Notice of Motion from Trustee Fraser at December 11, 2024 Public Board Meeting:
THAT: The Board of Education formally requests that the Ministry of Education and Child Care provide dedicated funding directly to the childcare sector to fully cover custodial costs for childcare facilities, so that these expenses are not absorbed by the K-12 education system;
AND THAT: The Ministry of Education and Child Care ensure that childcare facilities can meet necessary custodial standards for health, safety, and cleanliness, without financial burden to the K-12 system, thus maintaining the integrity and quality of both sectors;
AND THAT: This funding support be consistent, transparent, and predictable, enabling childcare providers to focus on providing high-quality services for children and families, rather than diverting resources to cover custodial costs;
AND THAT: The Ministry of Education and Child Care work with childcare providers, school boards, and other relevant stakeholders to develop a sustainable and fair funding model for custodial services in childcare settings, ensuring that both the K-12 and childcare sectors are appropriately funded and supported.